Residency May 19th to 23rd

The proposal of this residence is an invitation to contemplation,  to the supply of images, readings, and other triggers coming from displacement and extended time.

Pause needed to drink from the atmosphere and to let the eyes rest on the landscape

A parenthesis to gather seeds, grow shoots, and listen to the birds singing in the chestAn in-between filled with idleness, sketches, and reflection

Residency Registration

Varzea Residency - Residency Application Form

  • Artist name or name you would like to be called (Artist name or name you would like to be called)
  • include the type and number of an identity document
  • Biography Summary with a maximum of 300 characters
  • Insta address
    If you are interested in a scholarship, fill in this field and justify below.
  • If you are applying for a residency grant, include an objective text with the justification and/or a proposal for compensation.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 100 MB.
    send the portfolio file in PDF